About us

Our classes
Classes are taught on Saturdays during school terms at Miramar North School.
All of our classes are taught in small groups of 3-5 students, and our students are 5-12 years old (primary and intermediate school age).
We offer lessons in 15 different instruments from beginner to advanced levels.
Our goals
WMC passionately believes in breaking down financial barriers to quality music education, and our fees are less than $8 per class.
Our 13 wonderful tutors are all professional musicians from many musical backgrounds, and we aim to share this rich variety with our students!
We love our community, and we do our best to create a joyful, social and safe environment at the school. We also love sharing music at our own concerts, and at many events around our cool little capital.
Our history
WMC has been teaching music in Wellington for over 40 years!
Over the years we've seen many changes of venues and staff, but the goal has always been the same – to bring affordable, joyful music-making to the whānau of Pōneke Wellington.
We are hosted by Miramar North School, whose generosity and outspoken support of the arts in Wellington we deeply appreciate!
Charitable Trust
On the 15th April 2021, the Wellington Music Centre (WMC) was given a significant boost for securing its ongoing future with the formation on the Wellington Music Centre Charitable Trust (NZBN 9429049243505) which operates as a registered Charity (CC59068).
With the much appreciated legal support of Chapman Tripp legal teams the Wellington Music Centre Charitable Trust aims to
Provide affordable music tuition as an introduction to music for children and families of all economic status and position.
Participation and appreciation of a wide range of music including classical, pop, folk and jazz that reflects New Zealand’s widening range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Giving students the opportunity to collaborate across a variety of musical ensemble groups.
Providing learning options in different modes and appropriate skill sets, including reading music, playing by ear. improvising, and composing of music.

Founding Charitable Trust Members (left to right)
Hanne Jostenson - Board Member (Parent Representative)
Andreas Lepper - Board Member (Tutor Representative)
Karl Menzies - Board Chair (Parent Representative)
Monika Smith - Secretary (Musician Representative)
Bernard Wells - Board Member (Musician Representative)