Creating a fun, encouraging space for kids in Miramar and South Wellington to get singing!
Completely free thanks to the support of

What is the Miramar Kids Choir?

It's an all-comers choir for kids aged 8-12. All-comers means no auditions and no experience is required - members don't even need to read sheet music. The only thing kids need is an interest in singing! The choir performs all kinds of music, including folk songs, pop songs, and music from around the world!
When and where are rehearsals?
10:30am - 11:15am every Saturday during school terms
in the Miramar North School Hall.

Kids Choir

ages 7-12
Can we try a session or two before we join?
Yes! If you'd like to see what the group is like before signing up, come along for a few Saturdays and join in! You're very welcome.
Who runs the choir?
The choir is run by the wonderful Sharon Yearsley. She's passionate about bringing choir music to kids, and brings a powerful kaupapa of inclusivity, joy and creating memorable quality experiences.

Do my kids have to take instrument lessons at WMC to join?
Nope! Miramar Kids Choir is for everyone, whether or not they are enrolled in music lessons at Wellington Music Centre. If your kids enjoy the culture of WMC, you can enrol for instrumental lessons any time.
What are the benefits of joining a choir?
Choir singing helps kids grow more confident singing and expressing themselves. It reinforces skills learned in other places: staying in time and in tune, reading music, listening skills, even patience and teamwork. It's also a very social way to make music, and it's a great space for kids to make friends!
Sound good? Sign up today!