Visitor Terms and Conditions
Visitors to the Wellington Music Centre (the music centre) at Miramar North School (the school) may include parents or guardians, their children, committee members and tutors.
Arriving on site
The following guidelines ensure the safety of everyone on the school site.
All visitors to the site, including parents or guardians of enrolled children, are asked to report to their child's tutor at the beginning of the class.
All tutors report any behaviour concerns to the music director or WMC administrator
School Property
If a parent, guardian or child intentionally damages, removes or misplaces school property they will be liable for the cost of repairing the damage.
Please be mindful that classrooms are valued spaces which we appreciate being left in a tidy condition. We would ask that resources within these spaces are left untouched.
We ask that parents keep a close eye on siblings or children who are on site.
Communication of class cancellations or any other information required by the students, will be made directly by Wellington Music Centre Music Director. It is the responsibility of the student or student's caregiver to ensure that the Wellington Music Centre has your current contact details
Health, Safety, Injury & Medical Conditions Policies and Procedures
Wellington Music Centre takes all practical steps to ensure the safety of all individuals who participate in our classes. Any injury sustained through misconduct or inappropriate behaviour is the responsibility of the individual.
Children must walk (not run) when in the classrooms and the corridors.
Children may use the play equipment in the school grounds situated north of the school hall provided they are supervised by a parent/caregiver at the time.
It is the student’s parents/caregivers responsibility to notify the tutor or Musical Director in the event of injury/medical condition prior to class.
A first aid kit is available in the Wellington Music Centre administration office.
All visitors to school, including parents and guardians, are expected to comply with the school's Smokefree and Vapefree environment according to legislation.
Wellington Music Centre will aim to provide a safe learning environment to reduce the risk of injury.
Wellington Music Centre provides qualified and experienced tutors, who actively promote safe practice.
All Wellington Music Centre tutors have been vetted by the NZ Police as required by law under the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.
Emergency Procedure
In the event of an emergency,
all students, parents/caregivers and siblings must follow the instructions of the class tutors.
tutors will carefully check designated areas to ensure that all rooms and spaces are cleared.
Contact lists of students are on site and accessible to tutors
Covid - Hygiene and Scanning
Visitors are expected to comply with Ministry of Health guidance on COVID -19 prevention. Including
Scanning the QR code on entrances using the NZ Covid Tracer App or writing the name and contact details of the tracer register
Anyone intending to visit the Music Centre, but who is unwell, must notify the Music Centre and stay at home. The same applies if any visitor becomes unwell during Music Centre hours.
The Music Centre aims to ensure classes remain a positive learning environment and expects parents and guardians to use common sense and limit disruption to teaching and learning when entering and leaving by only making contact the before and after class if possible.
Please do not enter the classrooms during the tutors’ break time.
Wellington Music Centre students are under supervision whilst in class time only. Whilst we endeavour to provide a safe environment, tutors and staff cannot be responsible for students outside their allocated class time.
Parents, guardians and siblings are encouraged to observe class lessons. However, such attendance is permitted only at the discretion of the class tutor, and on the understanding that parents, guardians and siblings must not distract the students who are attending the class lesson.
Sometimes we hold informal showings or performances which parents/caregivers are invited to.
If a student is unable to attend a class for any reason, it is essential that the Wellington Music Centre Music Director is contacted as soon as possible via email.
The Ministry of Education states that the name of any student who is absent for more than two weeks with no prior explanation must be struck off the class roll. Parents/caregivers are asked to ensure that absences are communicated promptly to the class tutor.
Alternatively, an apology may be emailed to the Music Director. Be sure to state the student’s name, instrument and class time
Personal belongings and use
Mobile phones should be switched to silent mode, and calls must be taken outside the classroom.
No food or drink may be taken into the classrooms.
The taking and handling of any photos must comply with privacy regulations. Photography, recording or filming of students in class and at concerts, if applicable, is permitted only if agreed to by all parties.
Vehicles and parking
Vehicles must be parked on the road. No access will be given to park on site, unless by prior arrangement. Health and safety requirements prohibit vehicles from entering areas of the school where children may be present and vehicles would not usually be expected.
If it is necessary to access these areas, a vehicle must have an adult escort walking before it and approval must be sought prior to this. Cars must be driven slowly and carefully in driveways and carparks.
Parents and guardians must make sure students are made aware of the potential hazards presented by school driveways and carparks
Music Director contact details
For the terms mentioned where the Wellington Music Centre Music Director needs to be contacted please get in touch with:
Peter Liley
Wellington Music Centre Music Director
Last updated on Thursday, 27th May 2021